Bangsamoro gov’t readies policy on FOI

MANILA – Members of Parliament of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) have filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) bill, which once enacted shall be known as the “Bangsamoro Freedom of Information Act of 2021.”

BTA Bill 83 contains provisions similar to the proposed FOI Act (House Bill 05776) pending in Congress.

It is an effort of the Bangsamoro government to harmonize with President Rodrigo Duterte’s Executive Order on FOI and Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim’s call for moral governance and to provide a local mechanism that upholds people’s right to information.

By adopting a policy of transparency, the Bangsamoro government foresees increased public trust and empowerment of the Bangsamoro.

The bill directs all offices in the Bangsamoro government to make accessible to the public all official and public records and information unless otherwise stated in the exceptions and by present laws and jurisprudence.

Consequently, the Bangsamoro Information and Communications Technology Office (BICTO) shall establish an online FOI portal so people may conveniently and efficiently access government information.

BICTO will also be designated to monitor the websites of offices and provide them with capacity-building programs to make sure they comply with the policy’s requirements.

The bill also mandates the Bangsamoro Information Office (BIO) to be the FOI Focal Office. BIO shall oversee the implementation of the bill, including the composition of an FOI Manual, identification of an FOI Receiving Officer per office, and establishment of a request tracking system.

The Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), as the lead implementer of the FOI Program, recognizes this new development as vital to its vision of a whole-of-government approach in enforcing transparency in public service and crucial to the institutionalization of the Bangsamoro government.

PCOO Undersecretary and FOI Program Director Kristian R. Ablan said the FOI Project Management Office is willing to extend its assistance to BTA in terms of capacity-building activities for FOI implementers.

The bill was introduced by MP Amilbahar S. Mawallil and MP Engr. Baintan A. Ampatuan, and co-authored by MP Atty. Laisa Masuhud Alamia, MP Atty. Suharto M. Ambolodto, MP Engr. Don Mustapha A. Loong, MP Rasul E. Ismael, and MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. (PR)

*Originally published on Philippine News Agency (

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