BTA holds public consulation on Lanao del Sur for proposed BEC

LANAO DEL SUR | The Bangsamoro Parliament’s Rules Committee held the last leg of its consultations for the proposed Bangsamoro Electoral Code, gathering the legislative input of stakeholders from Lanao del Sur.

Provincial, city, municipal, and barangay local government units, as well as election experts, academic institutions, religious sectors, and civil society organizations from the province, participated in the sixth and final round of public consultation.

The constitutionality, party district representatives, registration of political parties, representation of women, youth, and the religious sector in the proposed code were among the concerns raised by the stakeholders in Lanao del Sur.

Deputy Speaker Atty. Paisalin Tago assured that all of the input from the series of consultations will be thoroughly addressed during the committee deliberations.

The Parliament Bill No. 29, or the Bangsamoro Electoral Code, is a key measure that will prescribe the structural, functional, and procedural principles governing the holding of elections for officers in the region.

The public consultations led by the Rules Committee have already consulted stakeholders and experts from Manila, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Maguindanao, Cotabato City, and the BARMM Special Geographic Area. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)


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