BEC Committee Deliberations Day 2

Day 2 of BEC Committee Deliberations

The Bangsamoro Parliament’s Rules Committee has started deliberating the proposed electoral code, a measure that would create an electoral framework responsive to the needs of the Bangsamoro people.

On Saturday, February 4, the committee discussed for nearly nine hours Articles I through V of BTA Bill No. 29. These articles cover the bill’s introduction, the establishment of an electoral office and its bureaus, the creation of an electoral tribunal, and the frameworks of political parties.

Floor Leader and COR Chair Atty. Sha Elijah Dumama-Alba said that the committee aims to finish its work by February 10 and submit its report when Parliament resumes session in the third week of the month.

She said that the committee is thoroughly discussing the position papers, recommendations, and sentiments of all the various experts and stakeholders.

The electoral code is one of the priority measures that the Parliament must pass during the transition period. It will outline the structural, functional, and procedural principles governing the region’s officer election.

Under the proposed measure, the Parliament will be composed of 80 members: 50% will be party representatives, 40% will be district representatives, and the remaining 10% will be reserved seats and sectoral representatives. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)


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