Category: News

BARMM legislators push for the establishment of district engineering offices in Cotabato City, North Cotabato

COTABATO CITY — BARMM lawmakers proposed to create district engineering offices in Cotabato City and 63 villages in North Cotabato.

Engr. Baintan Adil Ampatuan, Atty. Laisa Alamia, Amilbahar Mawallil, Atty. Suharto Ambolodto, Engr. Don Mustapha Loong, Atty. Rasol Mitmug, Jr., and Rasul Esmael introduced to the plenary Parliament Bill No. 100 or “An Act Creating the New Geographic Areas District Engineering Office”.

At present, there is no DEO in Cotabato City as it was abolished following its inclusion in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

The ‘New Geographic Areas District Engineering Office,’ if passed into law, will provide high-quality public infrastructure and maintenance services throughout its area of jurisdiction.

The offices will be under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Works. It will be located in Cotabato City, covering 37 barangays and 63 villages in North Cotabato. 

Improvements in the quality of infrastructure services, according to the proposed bill, will help reduce the cost of doing business and result in positive economic value, which will stimulate job creation, encourage private investment, improve productivity, and ensure the Bangsamoro people’s well-being.

The DEOs in new geographic areas are  responsible for local roads, flood control, water resources development system, and other public works in Cotabato City and 63 barangays in Cotabato province and performs the following functions:

•   Implement policies, guidelines and procedures for the effective implementation of construction and maintenance of infrastructure projects;

•   Inspect, verify, monitor, supervise and evaluate infrastructure projects in accordance with existing standards and guidelines;

•   Implement various infrastructure projects in their respective areas of jurisdiction;

•   Conduct, inspect, and assess the condition of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects and submit a report thereon to the MPW;

•   Prepare, review and evaluate plans, programs of work, and estimate including reports and submit a report thereon to the MPW;

•   Prepare, evaluate and endorse requests for funding to the MPW for the repair/rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure facilities brought about by calamities;

•   Undertake the management, repair, maintenance and rehabilitation of construction and maintenance property, plant and equipment;

•   Undertake regular monitoring of the progress of programs and project implementation, including implementation problems and issues for timely resolutions; and

•   Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Director-General and/or the Minister of MPW. (Publication and Media Relations Division)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (

Bangsamoro Parliament bill targets to create Parliament Corporate Body

COTABATO CITY— Amilbahar Mawallil, member of the Bangsamoro Parliament, urged the august body to pass a bill aiming to create a corporate body. 

Mawallil emphasized the legislature’s role in promoting moral governance in the Bangsamoro Government.

“The Parliament itself must be able to run its affairs independently and free from political pressures. This requires a system of governance that will give the Parliament the necessary independence to scrutinize the work of the Cabinet,” he said during his sponsorship speech. 

The proposed legislative measure aims to establish a corporate body to better utilize the resources available to the Bangsamoro government while also strengthening the Parliament’s independence from the executive.

The establishment of the ‘Bangsamoro Parliament Corporate Body’ will allow the Parliament to operate free from political pressures. It will also provide for a clear delineation between Parliament and the Cabinet.

Having an independent corporate body, he said, gives Parliament the power to objectively review and scrutinize the work of the government, its annual budget, and legislation that represents its constituents.

Under the proposed measure, the body will establish all parliamentary buildings, organize and maintain the internal and external security of the Parliament, facilitate the employment of parliamentary staff, review and agree on the service arrangements for all MPs, and establish parliamentary communications and visitor services.

Mawallil, Atty. Laisa Masuhud Alamia, Engr. Baintan Ampatuan and  Atty. Rasol Mitmug Jr. introduced Bill no. 105, otherwise known as the “Bangsamoro Parliament Corporate Body Act of 2021”, in the plenary. (Publication and Media Relations Division)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (

MPs file bill requiring LGUs to allocate land space for Bangsamoro Public Cemeteries

COTABATO CITY – In a bid to establish bigger Muslim public cemeteries, some members of the Bangsamoro Parliament filed a bill requiring all Local Government Units (LGUs) in the region to allocate land spaces for public cemeteries.

The Bangsamoro Public Cemetery Act would mandate LGUs in the region to allot at least 2,000 square meters of land per 1,000 population for a burial ground, with 20% of the space allocation will be intended for non-Muslims.

MPs Amilbahar Mawallil, Atty. Rasol Mitmug Jr., and Engr. Baintan Ampatuan submitted the measure in Parliament.

“The establishment of Bangsamoro Public Cemeteries is a reflection of the Bangsamoro’s values, ensuring that each rite is fulfilled by having the appropriate facilities,” Mawallil said during his speech.

According to him, Janazah (funeral) is one of the rites that reflects the Islamic faith, values and culture.

However, as he also mentioned in the session, Muslims have had difficulty performing such rites due to the lack of public cemeteries.

Under Section 2 of the proposed measure, the Bangsamoro Government must ensure its people’s beliefs, customs and traditions. It is also expected that the government will provide accessible health and social services that contribute to the general welfare of the Bangsamoro people.

“Passing the BTA Parliament Bill No. 104 is our way of expressing assurance that all our beloved or even ourselves will be accorded with the appropriate rites in our final moments on the surface,” he added.

The proposed measure has now been referred to committees on social services and local government. (Publication and Media Relations Division)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (

BTA bill eyes to operationalize Bangsamoro Gazette

COTABATO CITY —  To maintain transparency and accountability, Atty. Rasol Mitmug Jr. filed a bill seeking to operationalize the Bangsamoro Gazette.

Every Bangsamoro, as stated in the bill, must have access to information, official records, public records, and documents and papers relating to official acts, transactions or decisions, as well as to research data used as the basis for policy development.

The gazette will serve as the official journal of the Bangsamoro government. 

It will publish all legislative acts and resolutions, executive and administrative issuances of general application, and significant Shari’ah Court rulings. 

“It is therefore submitted that it is high time and apt for the Bangsamoro government to publish its official gazette to be published in print and electronic form,” Atty. Mitmug said in his explanatory note. 

He said that it is important for the public to be kept informed on public concerns through platforms that are easily accessible. 

Under the measure, the Bangsamoro Information Office (BIO) will be responsible for the editorial functions over the Bangsamoro Official Gazette, the collection of its subscription fees, and the creation and maintenance of its official website and/or social media pages.

Aside from print publications, the gazette will be published through BIO’s official website, which will also serve as an open-access digital archive for all published material. It will be published in English, with Filipino and Arabic translations as needed. 

Meanwhile, the Bangsamoro Government’s ministries, commissions, bureaus, offices, and agencies and the province, city, and municipal governments within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, shall subscribe to the gazette and pay for it. (Publication and Media Relations Division)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (

BTA adopts calendar for 3rd regular session, pushes for strategic planning

The calendar for the third regular session for 2021-2022 was approved by the Members of the Parliament on Wednesday.



With the resumption of the third regular session on June 16, 2021, the  parliament approved proposed resolution no. 447  adopting calendar of session with 60 plenary sessions. Before its adoption, members of the parliament expressed their concerns on the timetable of passing of the priority codes during the specified schedule in the proposed calendar. MP Lorena asked Majority Floor Leader Lanang Ali if consultations to accomplish the priority codes have been considered in the two-week sessions, emphasizing that the BTA should double time for the passage of the codes. To that, MP Ali answered that the priority codes will be passed within this year and that the Chief Minister may call a special session for that purpose on the first and second week of the month. The majority leader also added that his Office and SUBATRA are planning to hold a “strategic and operational planning” on parliamentary procedures focusing on the timetable for deliberating and passing legislations.

Minority Floor Leader Baintan Ampatuan raised that enumeration [of dates] should be linked with a plan to accommodate a lot of pending legislations. She also made a point of inquiry on whether a notice or advisory is still mandatory from the Secretary General considering the calendar has already been set. MP Ali answered that the calendar is a reminder for all MPs about the schedule of sessions and that the Secretary General may send notice beforehand. MP Nabil Tan qualified to move for the approval of the matter in discussion but also asserted that rules can be amended anytime, and he may add dates [in the calendar] during the strategic planning session.

On the query of holidays by MP Saliga, majority leader said that no session will be held when it falls during holidays. In answer to MP Rasol Mitmug’s question about the proposed planning session of the BTA, MP Ali explained that the strategic planning was supposed to be scheduled in May but was postponed to June due to covid-19 surge in the city and neighboring areas but it did not materialize. As of now, the tentative schedule is on the first and second week of July. It was also said that the amendment of house rules is imperative prior to the amendment of the calendar. Speaker Adiong and MP Tago both agreed that legislative agenda should be tackled first in the Committee of Rules. Consequently, the legislative calendar could be enhanced during the planning session.

Calendar can be accessed here: