Category: News

Lumba Bayabao receives healthcare items

In a simple turn over held at the municipal hall of Lumba Bayabao, Lanao del Sur on July 26, 2020, Mayor Mahar Dagalangit and Vice Mayor London Dagalangit received the healthcare items for distribution to the 38 barangays of the municipality from the Office of MP Mitmug Jr. and ANAK Mindanao.

The donation set, which includes hands-free alcohol dispensers, gallon of alcohol and face masks, is hoped to augment the resources of the BLGUs and its devoted frontliners in their efforts to fight and contain the spread of COVID-19.

Moreover, a total of 5000 sacks of rice were distributed to the constituents as part of the ongoing BARMM government’s Covid-19 Relief Assistance Program (Project TABANG) with assistance from the Offices of MP Sultan Edrieza Rimbang, MP Abdullah Macapaar, MP Basit “Jannati Mimbantas” Abbas and Office of MP Marjanie S M Mimbantas

LGU officials down to the barangay level and other volunteers were also part of the team who helped in the distribution of the healthcare donation and relief assistance.

These efforts are part of the continuous response to the pandemic of the Office of MP Mitmug Jr.

Bangsamoro Parliament adopts Committee on Accounts and Audit

The Bangsamoro Transition Authority has constituted a new Parliament Committee chaired by lawyer MP Anna Tarhata Basman and MP Amilbahar Mawallil as co-chair.

The Committee on Accounts and Audit shall have seventeen (17) Members. It shall have jurisdiction over all matters relating to the income, revenues and internal auditing of the funds for all the expenditures and activities of the BTA, and the other ministries, agencies and offices of the Bangsamoro Government.

​The Committee on Accounts and Audit shall also have jurisdiction to examine and scrutinize the income, revenues, and the expenditure plans of all government ministries, bureaus and agencies of the Bangsamoro Government, including the audit thereof.

Rule IV of the PARLIAMENTARY RULES, PROCEDURES, AND PRACTICES OF THE BTA states that “Parliamentary committees are permanent committees which exercise continuing responsibility in the legislative activity of the BTA, and are hereinafter set up in these Rules. The BTA shall, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Rules, organize and adopt Parliamentary committees: Provided, That the Memberships of Parliamentary committees shall be on the basis of proportional representation affiliated with the Majority and the Minority of the BTA.”


BTA Parliament constitutes ‘Committee on Accounts and Audit’

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament constituted the “Committee on Accounts and Audit” which shall have jurisdiction over all matters relating to the income, revenues and internal auditing of the funds for all the expenditures and activities of the BTA, other ministries, agencies and offices of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

The Committee is composed of seventeen (17) members with Members of the Parliament (MPs) Anna Tarhata Basman as Chairperson and Amilbahar Mawallil as Vice-Chairperson.

Committee Members include MPs Ubaida Pacasem, Atty. Raisa Jajurie, Mohagher Iqbal, Abdulraof Macacua, Tucao Mastura, Said Salendab, Aida Silongan, Eddie Alih, Abraham Burahan, Zia Alonto Adiong, Jamel Macaraya, Narciso Yu-Ekey, Edrieza Nasser Rimbang, Romeo Sema and Engr. Baintan Adil-Ampatuan.

Furthermore, the Committee on Accounts and Audit shall also have jurisdiction to examine and scrutinize the income, revenues, and the expenditure plans of all government ministries, bureaus and agencies of the Bangsamoro government, including the audit thereof.

Rule VII Section 4 of the Parliamentary Rules, Procedures, and Practices of the BTA states that “Parliamentary committees are permanent committees which exercise continuing responsibility in the legislative activity of the BTA, and are hereinafter set up in these Rules. The BTA shall, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Rules, organize and adopt Parliamentary committees: Provided, That the Memberships of Parliamentary committees shall be on the basis of proportional representation affiliated with the Majority and the Minority of the BTA.” (GALao, Publication and Media Division, BTA Parliament)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (

Turn over of PPEs to Kapatagan and Lumba Bayabao

Kapatagan rural health unit personnel receives 42 PPEs from the Office of MP Mitmug Jr.














The Office of MP Rasol Mitmug Jr. has turned over 84 personal protective equipment (PPE) to the municipalities of Kapatagan and Lumba Bayabao in Lanao del Sur last June 25, 2020.

Each municipality was allotted with 42 PPEs in various sizes. The donation was received by the rural health unit of Kapatagan and municipal staff of Lumba Bayabao. This initiative targets to ensure a better healthcare delivery to our constituents in these areas which includes a proper gear for our frontliners in battling COVID-19.

The staff of the Municipal Government of Lumba Bayabao playfully poses with their new sets of PPEs.

Both municipalities have expressed their gratitude for the support and vowed to continue their hard work in this time of crisis. This Office has been reaching out to our communities for the past months to extend relief assistance during this time of pandemic.

Meanwhile, the Parliament adopted and approved Resolution 223 consolidated with 241, commending the services of the Bangsamoro frontliners in the fight against COVID-19 during its session last June 18, 2020. MP Mitmug is one of the main proponents of the said measure.