Drafting of the Bangsamoro Revenue Code

Focus Group Discussion (FGD): Drafting of the Bangsamoro Revenue Code with Legal Experts

MARAWI CITY- The District Office of MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. conducted a focus group discussion: Drafting of the Bangsamoro Revenue Code last November 27, 2022 (Jumada Al-Awwal 3, 1444) in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur.

December 14 2022

The resource persons in the FGD were Atty. Norsary S. Mamad, Prof. A. Pangompig, CPA, MIFP, JD, Prof. Shahraman D. Hadji Latif, ME, MS, Atty. Farhanisa D. Comacasar, Sh.L., REA. Atty. Halim M. Noor, CPA, Atty. Saliha P. Lalanto, REA, Atty. Al-amen A. Bubong, and Atty. Moh. Rayyan Yassin D. Dimaporo.

They shared their expertise anchored on the existing laws that are relevant on the drafting of the Revenue Code.

Meanwhile, Professor Pangompig said that the Bangsamoro may adopt the National Internal Revenue Code or NIRC, with amendments that will show the uniqueness of Bangsamoro culture. Dean Shahraman said that we should integrate shariah provision (Islamic finance) zakat on our tax system with reference to the Organic Law.

In line with this activity, MP Atty. Ras is thankful to all the legal experts for their active contribution and knowledge in drafting the Bangsamoro Revenue Code.

Pagpalain Bangsamoro!

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