Forum on the Bangsamoro Electoral Code

Forum on the Bangsamoro Electoral Code: Advantages and Challenges

The Office of MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. organized a forum on the Bangsamoro Electoral Code: Advantages and Challenge with Law students from Mindanao State University – College of Law Marawi City as participants on December 13, 2022.

December 14 2022

The objectives of said activity are as follows: a) to closely examine salient and contentious provisions in the Code, (b) explore the best ways forward especially for the contentious provisions, (c) address the issues and challenges facing this code ,and (d) provide consultation opportunity with the drafters.

Meanwhile, the office invited Dean Atty. Norhabib Barodi who presented the salient provisions of the proposed Bangsamoro Electoral Code (BTA Bill No. 29).

Further, this initiative is in line with the efforts of the Office of MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. to bring awareness to our Bangsamoro constituents and encourage them especially the youth to actively participate in the decision making of the Bangsamoro Government.

Pagpalain Bangsamoro!

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