HIGHLIGHT REEL: MSU Tamparan Community High School Graduation 2023

HIGHLIGHT REEL: MP Rasol Mitmug Jr. delivering his commencement and completion address to the Senior High School graduates of MSU Tamparan Community High School last July 4, 2023.

“To our completers, as early as now, you should begin mapping out your career path. Choose the best strand which you think is the best for you. Do not forget to seek Allah’s guidance and your parent’s advice in every decision you make.

Above and beyond all other consideration, never forget to pursue your Islamic education as it is crucial for our personal growth and spiritual development. Today, there are many significant opportunities for Islamic education. With the increasing number of Madaris or Islamic educational institutions, there is a growing demand for Islamic Studies and Arabic Language (ISAL) teachers.
Finally, the most important is to give back to your parents and to your community as it will give you a sense of purpose. The fulfilling feeling of giving back and contributing to society is unparalleled.”
– MP Ras Mitmug Jr.

SOURCE :https://fb.watch/lD995uAhdE/

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