MP Mitmug distributes healthcare items in Lumba-Bayabao

COTABATO CITY — The Office of Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Member of Parliament (MP) Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. in partnership with Anak Mindanao Partylist distributed last July 26, 2020 health care items to residents of the municipality of Lumba-Bayabao in Lanao del Sur.

In a simple turn-over ceremony held at the municipal town hall, Mayor Mahar Dagalangit and Vice-Mayor London Dagalangit received the healthcare items for distribution to its 38 barangays. In an interview, MP Mitmug said over the past few months, his office has united its efforts with the Anak Mindanao Partylist and the Bangsamoro region in extending assistance to the local government units, barangay frontliners and volunteers.

“This time around, we extended our assistance to the good people of Lumba-Bayabao. Our team has facilitated the distribution of meals, Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), facemasks, gallons of alcohol, hands-free alcohol dispensers for the health workers and other frontliners of the locality,” MP Mitmug said.

The Member of Parliament also stressed their move hopes to augment the resources of the Barangay local government units (BLGUs) and its devoted frontliners in their efforts to fight and contain the spread of Covid-19.

“What we are facing right now is an urgent matter, so our response should also be immediate. If there’s one realization out of this Covid-19 experience is that we are all in one human community and that is no one is safe from this enemy,” he stressed.

On the same day, a total of 5,000 sacks of rice were distributed to the constituents as part of the ongoing BARMM government’s Covid-19 Relief Assistance Program (Project TABANG) with assistance from the Offices of Members of Parliament Sultan Edrieza Rimbang, Abdullah Macapaar, Basit “Jannati Mimbantas” Abbas and Marjanie SM Mimbantas.

Meanwhile, MP Mitmug said local government officials down to the barangay level and other volunteers were also part of the team who helped in the distribution of the healthcare donation and relief assistance.

“These efforts are part of the continuous response of our office to the pandemic,” MP Mitmug emphasized.

Lumba-Bayabao is a 2nd class municipality in the province of Lanao del Sur. It is politically subdivided into 38 barangays, Bacolod I, Bacolod II, Bantayao, Barit, Baugan, Buad Lumbac, Cabasaran, Calilangan, Carandangan-Mipaga, Cormatan Langban, Dialongana, Dilindongan-Cadayonan, Gadongan, Galawan, Gambai, Kasula, Lalangitun, Lama, Lindongan Dialongana, Lobo Basara, Lumbac Bacayawan, Macaguiling, Maliwanag, Mapantao, Mapoling, Pagayawan, Maribo (Poblacion), Posudaragat, Rumayas (Minitepad), Sabala Bantayao, Salaman, Salolodun Berwar, Sarigidan Madiar, Sunggod, Taluan, Tamlang, Tongcopan, Turogan and Minaring Diladigan. (GALao, Publication and Media Division, BTA Parliament)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (https://parliament.bangsamoro.gov.ph/latest-news/mp-mitmug-distributes-healthcare-items-in-lumba-bayabao/)

BTA Parliament constitutes ‘Committee on Accounts and Audit’

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament constituted the “Committee on Accounts and Audit” which shall have jurisdiction over all matters relating to the income, revenues and internal auditing of the funds for all the expenditures and activities of the BTA, other ministries, agencies and offices of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

The Committee is composed of seventeen (17) members with Members of the Parliament (MPs) Anna Tarhata Basman as Chairperson and Amilbahar Mawallil as Vice-Chairperson.

Committee Members include MPs Ubaida Pacasem, Atty. Raisa Jajurie, Mohagher Iqbal, Abdulraof Macacua, Tucao Mastura, Said Salendab, Aida Silongan, Eddie Alih, Abraham Burahan, Zia Alonto Adiong, Jamel Macaraya, Narciso Yu-Ekey, Edrieza Nasser Rimbang, Romeo Sema and Engr. Baintan Adil-Ampatuan.

Furthermore, the Committee on Accounts and Audit shall also have jurisdiction to examine and scrutinize the income, revenues, and the expenditure plans of all government ministries, bureaus and agencies of the Bangsamoro government, including the audit thereof.

Rule VII Section 4 of the Parliamentary Rules, Procedures, and Practices of the BTA states that “Parliamentary committees are permanent committees which exercise continuing responsibility in the legislative activity of the BTA, and are hereinafter set up in these Rules. The BTA shall, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Rules, organize and adopt Parliamentary committees: Provided, That the Memberships of Parliamentary committees shall be on the basis of proportional representation affiliated with the Majority and the Minority of the BTA.” (GALao, Publication and Media Division, BTA Parliament)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (https://parliament.bangsamoro.gov.ph/latest-news/bta-parliament-constitutes-committee-on-accounts-and-audit/)

Addressing mental health concerns during pandemic

Photo courtesy of Podcast Bangsamoro


















In the first episode of Podcast Bangsamoro, Member of the Parliament (MP) Amir Mawallil was joined by MP Rasol Mitmug Jr. to highlight Islamic mental health efforts in the region amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to MP Mitmug, addressing mental health concerns is of equal importance. Mental health concerns should be discussed and given attention despite the stigma on mental illness in the country especially now that we are facing a pandemic. His Office as Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) member, together with the Health Organization for Mindanao (HOM), created an online platform which aims to respond to the common mental health needs of communities. Modules and materials have been improved to focus more on Islamic Mental Health (IMH) and are readily available on the IMH website and facebook page. As part of the IMH initiative, HOM will be training those who want to help in this effort especially those who have background in psychology.

When asked about his motivation for giving attention to mental health, he mentioned local experiences during the Yolanda disaster, Marawi conflict and Mamasapano encounter. The communities directly affected by these crises experienced depressive symptoms and other mental health concerns but less attention was given to that matter. Taking care of mental health can be easily overlooked, hence, efforts concerning mental health in the region should be initiated and supported. He further revealed that his Office is currently reviewing and checking codes, potential policies and laws that will give attention to this issue.

While challenges on mental health is a growing health concern in the region, it is a blessing that the Bangsamoro region is still on its transition period, thus, codes are still being drafted. Particularly, measures on mental health can still be incorporated by the BTA members which can safeguard the general welfare of BARMM constituents should another pandemic and even other forms of disaster affecting mental health arise. The implementation of these programs are without hurdles given the population, diversity of languages, number of practitioners, among others, but MP Mitmug is hopeful since efforts are being supported by concerned agencies and organizations.

You may catch the episode with MP Mitmug by visiting this link: https://bit.ly/3et89rp

BTA approves Bill No. 46, defining the power of appointment in BARMM

Cotabato City (June 26, 2020)—The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) approved a bill that will now define the power of appointment in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), during the parliament’s Second Regular Session held Thursday, June 25, 2020 in the city.

The BTA-Parliament Bill No. 46 entitled, “An act defining the power of appointment in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and for other purposes”, was authored by the Government of the Day, and underwent a rigorous period of interpellation and amendment among the members of the parliament.

The said bill was created “to ensure an effective and efficient organization by way of the selection and appointment of officials and personnel of the various ministries, offices, bureaus, boards, commissions, and agencies, in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.”

Fifty-five (55) voted yes, zero (0) voted no, while one abstained, after the third and final reading of the bill.

Amendments proposed by MPs Amilbahar Mawallil, Atty. Paisalin Tago, and Atty. Rasol Mitmug on the content of the said bill were later adopted by the august body.

MPs Atty. Maisara Dandamun-Latiph, Atty. Jose Lorena, Atty. Nabil Tan, Zesar Alil, Abraham Burahan, and Abdulmuhmin Mujahid sponsored an amendment to Section 4 but was not accepted by the majority. 16 voted yes, 41 voted no, and with 1 abstention.

The plenary also discussed Parliament Bill No. 55 or the Bangsamoro Budgeting Act which will opt to create a Bangsamoro Budget Office, once it will be enacted into a law. MP Atty. Ubaida Pacasem delivered a sponsorship speech on Thursday.

“The passage of this bill will give life to Section 28, Art. 7, of the BOL which mandates us, the parliament, to create a Bangsamoro Budget Office, which shall ensure that the form, content, and manner of the preparation of the Bangsamoro Budget Office is compliant with the law we enacted and consistent with the existing laws, rules, and regulations of the national governemnt,” Pacasem said.

Furthermore, Speaker of the House Atty. Pangalian Balindong spoke about the Anti-Terror Bill in a privilege speech.

“We know the nasty feeling when the government avoids dealing with us then and so we can only sympathize with those who remain in the fringes and fighting for what they think is right. And don’t get me wrong, there is no reason for us not to hear them and even commiserate with them,” he said.

“On the other hand, it is also our duty to give them a more objective perspective, especially now that we are one with the government in ensuring a good life for our people,” Balindong noted.

On separate privilege speeches, MP Dr. Saffrullah Dipatuan, who also sits as the BARMM’s Health Minister, reported the current situation of Bangsamoro Government’s actions against the Coronavirus Disease (Covdi-19) pandemic, while MP Mohagher Iqbal, the Education Minister, stood firm on upholding the law amidst the two cease and desist memoranda orders addressed to provisional teachers and temporary employees.

“Being like a father to my employees, I am the first one who got affected by these Memoranda,” Iqbal noted, adding he even encountered sleepless nights and appetite loss caused by the termination issue.

“I know how lamentable their situation is. Some of them are in their senior years while others are struggling hard to make both ends meet, but we have to uphold the law,” he added. (Bureau of Public Information)

*Originally published by the Bangsamoro Information Office (https://bangsamoro.gov.ph/news/latest-news/bta-approves-bill-no-46-defining-the-power-of-appointment-in-barmm/)