Tag: BTA

IBS holds consultation on land policy in BARMM

The Institute of Bangsamoro Studies (IBS) held a consultation forum on land, housing, and property policy in the BARMM last  July 28, 2021 at Em Manor Hotel, Cotabato City.


Ms. Ica Fernandez, IBS consultant, presented the summary of her initial findings on the said topic as a result of her region-wide public consultations. Major issues and challenges were identified as well as possible solutions from the legislative and executive branch of the government. The consensus are in agreement that land is one of the most complex and complicated challenge and opportunity for the Bangsamoro.

After the presentation, the participants were given the chance to share their ideas, experiences  and knowledge in relation to the findings. There was also a productive exchange of ideas on land governance from representatives coming from the key regional government offices, CSOs, and private sectors.

According to Atty. Anwar Malang, the establishment of Bangsamoro Land Commission could settle things on land issues properly. He added that the Commission could adjudicate matters on land policies on agrarian reform based on Amanah (trust).

Meanwhile, Eshan Karl Mabang, Division Chief of Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Energy, mentioned that the existing system is already quite good and would only need a proper implementation of the 2015 cadastral survey of the LGUs.

Fernandez remarked that all suggestions and recommendations were all insightful and have been duly noted. The same would be part of the final output of the IBS for submission to the legislative body.

MP Rasol Mitmug is one of the key informants in the findings of Fernandez, together with other Members of the Parliament. This consultation is part of the Citizen’s Engagement for Inclusive Policy and Programs in the Bangsamoro of the IBS, in partnership with The Asia Foundation and USAID – US Agency for International Development.


BTA Session 64 with Transcript

Disclaimer: The transcription of this hearing is provided by the Office of MP Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. for educational purposes ONLY. For official purposes please refer to the Secretariat (secgen@bangsamoro.gov.ph) of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority. Members of the public may listen to the audio of the actual livestream of the hearing through this link for verification purposes. If there are any errors in this transcription, you may inform us via mail@rasmitmug.com to facilitate the correction.

Transcription Details
Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament Session No. 62 of 3rd Regular Session
Timestamp: 41:27 to 6:33:05
FB Live Video:  https://fb.watch/6OcHkYsqMz/

[pdf-embedder url=’https://rasmitmug.com/resources/BTA-SESSION-NO62_TRANSCRIPT.pdf’]

Bill to memorialize the bravery of MNLF’s Top 90 and 300 core members now on plenary

COTABATO CITY — Some of the Bangsamoro Parliament members introduced a bill in the plenary seeking to honor the valor of the Top 90 and Top 300 core members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).

The bill, which also seeks to recognize the important contribution of the “young brave men” in preserving the safety and well-being of the Bangsamoro people, was filed by Amir Mawallil, Atty. Rasol Mitmug Jr., Atty. Suharto Ambolodto, Engr. Baintan Adil-Ampatuan, Sittie Shahara Mastura, Atty. Laisa Alamia, Engr. Don Loong, Rasul Ismael, and Abraham Burahan.

The Top 90 were composed of the BARMM’s various ethnolinguistic groups that questioned the socio-political landscape in Mindanao and sought to address social injustices against the Bangsamoro people.

In 1972, the MNLF’s Top 90 core members grew and recruited 300 young Muslims to join the group.

“It is strange, however, that until today one cannot find a fitting monument in the BARMM that would serve as a lasting memorial to these courageous men who fought to assert our rights and affirm our distinct historical identity and birthright from those who attempted to subdue it,” the bill’s explanatory read.

The authors said that the BARMM needs a memorial that will be visited and revered by all, particularly by the present and future generations.

They said that it is right to remember the heroism of the Top 90 and Top 300 core members, given the immense devotion they have displayed repeatedly.

Every Bangsamoro, the authors noted, should be educated about the lives and heroism of the said brave men to understand the fundamental principles for which they fought—freedom, justice, and autonomy.

“The Top 90 and 300 core members, the unsung champions of the Bangsamoro struggle, should be given proper recognition for the bravery they have manifested in continuously fighting for our rights,” the authors said in the explanatory note.

Under the proposed bill, the Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage (BCPCH), as the agency responsible for writing the Bangsamoro history and sustaining the BARMM’s cultural institutions and projects, is tasked to produce and publish the official names of the mentioned MNLF.

The proposed legislation also called for the construction of a regional monument, the organization of relevant activities and materials to the education sector, and the holding of an annual commemoration. (Publication and Media Relations Division)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (https://parliament.bangsamoro.gov.ph/latest-news/bill-to-memorialize-the-bravery-of-mnlfs-top-90-and-300-core-members-now-on-plenary/)

Parliament bill hopes to strengthen BARMM’s satellite coordinating offices

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Parliament has proposed a measure that will strengthen the Bangsamoro Satellite Coordinating Offices, citing that it will increase operational effectiveness and reinforce the efficient government’s program implementation.

Bill No. 116 or Bangsamoro Satellite Coordinating Office Act of 2021 proposes to improve collaboration, coordination, management, and communication between the regional government and its component local government units.

The bill aims to ensure that the BARMM’s three sub-regions, South Western, North Central, and South Central Mindanao, have “full and effective participation” in developing and implementing the projects in the region.

It will function as the Chief Minister’s coordinating offices, providing advisory or consultative services on their respective sub-regions.

“The coordination between these areas as well as the different levels of the government in the region is essential to ensuring the protection of the general welfare of the Bangsamoro people,” authors wrote in their explanatory note.

BASCO, as mentioned in the bill, is expected to exercise the following powers and functions:

  • To coordinate and evaluate the implementation of all programs and projects in the sub-region;
  • To mandate the LGUs in submitting comprehensive local development plans, in coordination with their Local Planning Officer and Local Development Council;
  • To establish linkages with the region’s LGUs in pursuing program development;
  • To recommend the enactment of local ordinances and the enhanced implementation of local programs;
  • To assist in the implementation of all cross-border regional projects along and within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region; and
  • To promulgate rules and regulations and perform such other powers and functions necessary.

“Close cooperation and continuous dialogue between these regional actors will enable the Bangsamoro Government to make informed decisions and crucial changes in its implementation, if needed, and ultimately lead to responsiveness and efficiency,” they added.

Members of the Parliament Amir Mawallil, Engr. Baintan Ampatuan and Atty. Rasol Mitmug presented the bill in the plenary on Wednesday. (Publication and Media Relations Division)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (https://parliament.bangsamoro.gov.ph/latest-news/parliament-bill-hopes-to-strengthen-barmms-satellite-coordinating-offices/)


Bangsamoro Gazette Bill Enters 2nd Reading

Parliament Bill No. 108, otherwise known as the Bangsamoro Gazette bill, was filed by MP Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. on June 10, 2021, and will proceed to its 2nd reading in the Bangsamoro Parliament at the 63rd plenary session.

But what does the Bangsamoro Gazette bill entail? It seeks to operationalize the Bangsamoro Gazette as provided for in the Bangsamoro Administrative Code.

Who will edit or supervise the Bangsamoro Gazette?

The Bangsamoro Information Office (BIO) will have supervision and editorial authority over the Bangsamoro Gazette.

What will be the content of the Bangsamoro Gazette?

The Bangsamoro Gazette will publish all legislative acts and resolutions, executive/ administrative issuances, Shari’ah Courts’ decisions or abstracts, and other public documents of general application.

Where can the public read the Bangsamoro Gazette?

Aside from its printed copies, the general public may access the Bangsamoro Gazette’s online version via its website.

When will it be published?

The BIO shall publish the Bangsamoro Gazette quarterly or as frequently as the public interest may require. Electronic publication on the website will be daily or as often as possible.

Why do we even need a Bangsamoro Gazette?

Section 12 and 14 of Chapter 3, Book I of the Bangsamoro Administrative Code (BAA 13) provides for the legal basis of the Bangsamoro Gazette.

Section 12. Effectivity of Executive Issuances. Executive issuanes shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following the completion of their publication in the Bangsamoro Gazette or in a newspaper of regional circulation, unless otherwise provided.

Section 14. Bangsamoro Gazette. The Bangsamoro Gazette shall be of the official gazette of the Bangsamoro Government which will publish all legislative acts and resolutions of a public nature, all executive and administrative issuances of general application, decisions or abstracts of decisions of the Shari’ah Courts of sufficient importance to be published, documents or classes of documents as may be required to be published by law and such documents or classes of documents of general application.

The Bangsamoro Gazette shall be published by the Bangsamoro Information Office (BIO) in the English language and whenever applicable, in Filipino and Arabic. It shall be made available to all national and local agencies upon subscription. The Bangsamoro Library and Archives shall servce as the official custodian and repository thereof.

Ministries and all offices and agencies shall submit copies of their issuances and similar documents to the Bangsamoro Information Office for publication.

Upon written request, the Bangsamoro Information Office shall translate the relevant documents in Arabic in coordination with the Bangsamoro Darul Ifta’.

In addition, Section 19, Chapter 3, Book I of the Bangsamoro Administrative Code specifies the need for publishing issuances before it is deemed effective.

Section 19. Government-wide Application of the Classification of Issuances. The Office of the Chief Minister shall provide such assistance as may be necessary to effect general adherence to the foregoing classification of issuances, including the conduct of studies for developing sub-classifications and guidelines to meet peculiar needs. All administrative issuances of a general or permanent character shall be compiled, indexed, and published pursuant to the provisions of this Code. Publication of administrative issuances affecting the public is required before the same shall become effective.

The Bangsamoro Attorney General’s Office shall be furnished with all the copies of the foregoing issuances and shall be repository of all these issuances. Likewise, copies shall be provided to the Bangsamoro Library and Archives.

How will the Bangsamoro Gazette benefit the people?

The Bangsamoro Gazette shall help fulfill the Bangsamoro people’s right to information and can lead to a more open, accountable, and participatory government.

The former ARMM-Regional Legislative Assembly passed a total of 338 laws (data from RLA-Reference and Research Division).

While many of these legislations were laudable, the knowledge and awareness of these laws failed to trickle down to the grassroots level. (Note: Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Acts are still operational unless amended by the Bangsamoro Transition Authority).

Many were simply unaware of the RLA’s legislative accomplishments as well as the government programs available to them.

This bill hopes to address the information gap that exists. The Bangsamoro Organic Law enshrines the Bangsamoro’s right to self-governance, the right to participate in political processes, and the right of access to basic services.

Section 2. Self-Governance. In the exercise of its right to self-governance, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region is free to pursue its political, economic, social, and cultural development as provided for in this Organic Law. (Article IV)

Section 3. Democratic Political System. The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall have a democratic political system that allows its people to freely participate in the political processes within its territorial jurisdiction. The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall have a parliamentary form of government. (Article IV)

Section 8. Right of Access to Basic Services. The Bangsamoro Government shall provide, maintain, and ensure the delivery of basic and responsive health programs, quality education, appropriate services, livelihood opportunities, affordable and progressive housing projects, power and electricity, and water supply, among others, to the Bangsamoro people and other inhabitants of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region. It shall maintain appropriate disaster-preparedness units for immediate and effective relief services to victims of natural and man-made calamities. It shall also ensure the rehabilitation of calamity-affected areas and victims of calamities. (Article IX)

It can be argued that the Bangsamoro people cannot fully participate in political processes, nor practice their right to self-governance, without first being granted access to information.

This bill is also in line with the12-point agenda of the Bangsamoro Government, and the policy direction of the Government of the Day:

4. Continuity of Existing Government Services
Set up and implement programs and projects that will respond to the pressing social and economic challenges in the Bangsamoro such as poverty, education, health, access to clean water and electricity, job opportunity, agricultural productivity, and access to the capital market. These must be complemented with responsive strategic infrastructure in the region such as ports, road networks, flood control, and logistics and communication facilities.
7. Development of Enabling Policy Environment
Develop policy environment on transparency, accountability, prudent fiscal policy, as well as improvement in revenue generation.
Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim’s State of the Bangsamoro Address at the opening of the 3rd regular session also highlighted the need to pass laws complementing the Bangsamoro Administrative Code.

“We must also look into the existing structures in our bureaucracy as founded by the recently passed Bangsamoro Administrative Code. It would be worthwhile to pass legislations not to amend certain provisions of the Admin Code but legislations that would enhance or complement few of its noble provisions.”


This post will be revised as updates come in.

Read the bill below:

[pdf-embedder url=’https://rasmitmug.com/resources/Bill108-MP-Rasol-Mitmug-BANGSAMORO-GAZETTE.PDF’]