Tag: Education

Committee on Rules meeting

The Rules Committee of the Bangsamoro Parliament has approved the amended schedules for public consultations on the proposed Bangsamoro Electoral Code in the region’s mainland provinces.

Based on the meeting presided over by Floor Leader Atty. Sha Elijah Dumama-Alba, public consultations will take place on January 18 in the BARMM Special Geographic Area, on January 19 in the city of Cotabato, and on January 30 and 31 in the provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur.

January 10 2023

Atty. Dumama-Alba said that the committee intends to adhere to the schedule of having the bill approved in Parliament by the first quarter of the year.

The BTA Bill No. 29, also known as the Bangsamoro Electoral Code, will prescribe the structural, functional, and procedural principles for the elections of members of the Parliament in the Bangsamoro region.

Local chief executives and nongovernment stakeholders are expected to participate in the said consultations. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)

Orientation Programme to the First-Term Members of Parliament

MP Ras Mitmug served as one of the speakers during the Orientation Programme to the First-Term Members of Parliament held on January 3-7, 2023 at Acacia Hotel, Davao City.

Mitmug discussed topics on “The Committees of the Parliament: Jurisdiction, Powers, Functions and Procedures” for day 2 and “Effective Performance of Individual MPs and Managing Parliamentary Staff” for day 3.

Januray 8 2023

Drafting of the Bangsamoro Revenue Code

Focus Group Discussion (FGD): Drafting of the Bangsamoro Revenue Code with Legal Experts

MARAWI CITY- The District Office of MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. conducted a focus group discussion: Drafting of the Bangsamoro Revenue Code last November 27, 2022 (Jumada Al-Awwal 3, 1444) in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur.

December 14 2022

The resource persons in the FGD were Atty. Norsary S. Mamad, Prof. A. Pangompig, CPA, MIFP, JD, Prof. Shahraman D. Hadji Latif, ME, MS, Atty. Farhanisa D. Comacasar, Sh.L., REA. Atty. Halim M. Noor, CPA, Atty. Saliha P. Lalanto, REA, Atty. Al-amen A. Bubong, and Atty. Moh. Rayyan Yassin D. Dimaporo.

They shared their expertise anchored on the existing laws that are relevant on the drafting of the Revenue Code.

Meanwhile, Professor Pangompig said that the Bangsamoro may adopt the National Internal Revenue Code or NIRC, with amendments that will show the uniqueness of Bangsamoro culture. Dean Shahraman said that we should integrate shariah provision (Islamic finance) zakat on our tax system with reference to the Organic Law.

In line with this activity, MP Atty. Ras is thankful to all the legal experts for their active contribution and knowledge in drafting the Bangsamoro Revenue Code.

Pagpalain Bangsamoro!

Forum on the Bangsamoro Electoral Code

Forum on the Bangsamoro Electoral Code: Advantages and Challenges

The Office of MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. organized a forum on the Bangsamoro Electoral Code: Advantages and Challenge with Law students from Mindanao State University – College of Law Marawi City as participants on December 13, 2022.

December 14 2022

The objectives of said activity are as follows: a) to closely examine salient and contentious provisions in the Code, (b) explore the best ways forward especially for the contentious provisions, (c) address the issues and challenges facing this code ,and (d) provide consultation opportunity with the drafters.

Meanwhile, the office invited Dean Atty. Norhabib Barodi who presented the salient provisions of the proposed Bangsamoro Electoral Code (BTA Bill No. 29).

Further, this initiative is in line with the efforts of the Office of MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. to bring awareness to our Bangsamoro constituents and encourage them especially the youth to actively participate in the decision making of the Bangsamoro Government.

Pagpalain Bangsamoro!

100 Days: Working towards Effective and Responsive Legislation thru Promotion of Citizen Engagement

One of the intrinsic elements of Good Governance is Participation. Through this element, governments are given access to important information about the needs and priorities of individuals, communities and all other stakeholders including private businesses. Studies have shown that governments that involve the public are in a better position to make good decisions. This can be mainly attributed to the knowledge, data and public support gathered for its proposed policies, programs and activities through citizen participation and ultimately community engagement.
Over the years, the concept of participation has evolved into pro-active paradigm of citizen or community engagement. The key difference between mere citizen participation and citizen engagement is that citizen engagement requires an active, intentional dialogue between citizens and public decision makers whereas citizen participation can come from citizens only. The Office of MP Rasol Mitmug Jr. has taken on the pro-active task of engaging citizens and communities.
Mitmug strongly believes in the importance of citizen engagement thru community engagement activities. He views these activities as inextricably linked with effective and responsive legislative process. As a legislator, he aims to advocate and foster a consultative culture in the Bangsamoro Transition Authority. Community engagements like consultations will encourage participation of people affected by or interested in any of the BTA proposed legislations. He expects that decisions on policies, programs or projects that are based on data from citizens and stakeholders will be more effective and will enjoy more support from BARMM constituency.
As a seasoned legislator, Mitmug has instilled in his office the core value of participation and consultation. He has begun institutionalizing the conduct of community consultation through town hall meetings as a core activity of his and his office’s legislative process. His office has been actively seeking out leaders, people and communities for consultation. The MP himself has met with several key leaders of different LGUs and key institutions to lay the ground for community engagement activities. In his first 100 days he has met with local leaders and key institutional figures to jumpstart the initiative.
So far, the office of MP Mitmug has conducted town hall meetings in the following areas: Marawi City (September 27, 2022), Municipality of Saguairan (October 11, 2022), Municipality of Lumba- Bayabao (October 25, 2022), Municipality of Binidayan, Lanao del Sur (November 22, 2022). Meanwhile in Maguindanao, the Office has conducted three townhall meetings which include Bagua II and Biniruan in Cotabato City and South Upi in Maguindanao.
During these town hall meetings affected and interested parties are presented with information and they are given equal opportunity to participate in the consultation process. Town hall meetings enable a particular community to come together on issues and projects of significance. This process helps improve relationships within the community and the relationship of the said community with the government.
The ultimate goal of community engagement is to enhance decision making by creating links with stakeholders. By conducting town hall meetings in various areas MP Mitmug and his office are able to create a better understanding of BTA’s role and responsibilities in many of the Bangsamoro communities. These activities can gather data and can provide measures to promote better understanding of financial and legislative requirements for various issues and concerns of said communities. The knowledge and data gathered in these activities can be used to assist the BTA to deliver better services. Mitmug has also been one of the Members of the Parliament who has been invited in numerous talks and dialogues of different organizations in the hopes of an expansive discussion of important and timely topics in relation to the BARMM.
Participation and citizen engagement are essential components of democracy at work within the paradigm of good governance. Good government depends on the ability to exercise power and to make good decisions over time, across a spectrum of economic, social, environmental and other areas. The government’s capacity for knowledge, mediation, resource allocation, implementation and maintenance of key relationships will be the measures of future and sustainable success of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.