Administrative Code Timeline

Ebook launch: BOL and BAC

MP Mitmug launches ebooks on the Bangsamoro Organic Law and the Bangsamoro Administrative Code. See full article.

Chief Minister and Speaker lead ceremonial signing of the BAC
COTABATO CITY — Bangsamoro Chief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim and BTA Parliament Speaker Ali Pangalian Balindong led the ceremonial signing of the Bangsamoro Administrative Code on Tuesday, November 17. Read more. (Text and Photo from Bangsamoro Government FB Page)
Chief Minister Signs the Bangsamoro Administrative Code
COTABATO CITY — BARMM Chief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim signed today the Bangsamoro Autonomy Act No. 13 or the BANGSAMORO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (BAC).
The BAC shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in a newspaper of general or regional circulation. Full text may be downloaded here. (Bureau of Public Information)
Chief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Balawag Ebrahim’s Message on the Approval of the Bangsamoro Administrative Code

WATCHChief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Balawag Ebrahim’s Message on the Approval of the Bangsamoro Administrative Code. View here. (Bangsamoro Government FB Page)

BAC Cabinet Bill unanimously approved by all 58 members present as BAA 13

COTABATO CITY — Bangsamoro Transition Authority approved the Bangsamoro Administrative Code (BAC) during a special session on its second regular session held Wednesday, October 28.

58 Members of the Parliament (MP) voted for the passage of Cabinet Bill No. 60 entitled “An act providing for the Bangsamoro Administrative Code and for other related purposes.”

By nominal voting, 26 voted physically while 32 voted via zoom. None of the MPs voted against nor abstained on the approval of the said bill, which is authored by the Government of the Day.

The BAC will define the structural, functional, and procedural principles and rules of governance of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). Read more. (Text by Bureau of Public Information/ Photo by Publication and Media Relations Division, BTA Parliament)

Click on the following links for the special session livestream: October 28 Part 1, and Part 2.

BTA Adopts BAC Committee Report No. 41 on Cabinet Bill No. 60

COTABATO CITY — Committee Report No. 41 on Cabinet Bill No. 60 was read by Majority Floor Leader Lanang Ali Jr. and adopted by the Parliament that convened in a Special Session. MP Raissa Jajurie defended the bill during the period of debate/interpellation. (Screenshot from Bangsamoro Government livestream on FB Page)

Watch the special session livestream here.


Committee on Rules unanimously approves Cabinet Bill No. 60

COTABATO CITY — The draft bill of the proposed Bangsamoro Administrative Code was unanimously approved today, October 21, 2020 at the Committee level and was endorsed by the Committee on Rules to the plenary for its eventual enactment into law. View more. (Photo and text from Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament FB Page)

Panel on Bangsamoro Admin Code Presents Cabinet amendments to the Committee on Rules

COTABATO CITY — Majority Floor Leader Atty. Lanang Ali, Jr. presides over the Committee Meeting of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament’s Committee on Rules held at the BTA Executive Lounge. Inclusive in the agenda are the (1) Report on Rapid Midterm Review on the Bangsamoro Transition Period Presentation of Findings and Recommendations by Mindanao Peoples Caucus and the (2) Deliberation on the Proposed Administrative Code. (Publication and Media Division, BTA Parliament) View more.

Committee on Rules constitutes the TWG on the Admin Code

COTABATO CITY —The BTA Committee on Rules held a committee meeting this morning for the Cabinet Bill No. 60 or the Proposed Bangsamoro Administrative Code.

During the meeting, Deputy Minority Leader Atty. Suharto Ambolodto moved for the constitution of a technical working group (TWG) for the important legislative measure and the motion was duly seconded. The TWG shall be composed of Members of the Committee on Rules who are Cabinet Members with Panel Head and MSSD Minister Atty. Raissa H. Jajurie as Chair and MBHTE Minister MP Mohagher Iqbal as Vice Chair. The other members of the TWG are MOLE Minister Romeo Sema, MOST Minister Aida Silongan, MPOS Minister Hussein Munoz, MIPA Minister Melanio Ulama, MFBM Deputy Minister Atty. Ubaida Pacasem and BYC Chairperson Marjanie Macasalong. Read more.  (Image and story from BTA Office of Deputy Majority Leader Atty. Raissa J. Jajurie)


Deputy Majority Floor Leader Presents BAC Panel Report to the Committee on Rules

COTABATO CITY — The BTA Committee on Rules held a committee meeting this afternoon for the reporting of the Panel on the Proposed Bangsamoro Administrative Code or Cabinet Bill No. 60.

Pursuant to Office of the Parliament Speaker Memorandum Order No. 35 that all committees shall conduct all meetings and hearings through teleconference via Zoom platform, only the Committee Chair, Majority Floor Leader Atty. Lanang Ali, Jr. and Panel Head, Deputy Majority Leader Atty. Raissa H. Jajurie attended physically along with the Committee Secretariat at the BTA Executive Lounge.
During the meeting, Panel Head Atty. Jajurie presented the Panel Report, which provides a consolidated summary of the primary issues, observations and suggestions that emerged during the six (6) consultations conducted from August 14 to 26, 2020, and position papers received for Cabinet Bill No. 60. Read more. (Photo and story from BTA Office of Deputy Majority Leader Atty. Raissa J. Jajurie)

The Panel Report on the BAC may be downloaded here.

BAC holds its 6th Consultation with provincial leagues of mayors, vice mayors, councilors and barangays

COTABATO CITY — The Panel on the Bangsamoro Administrative Cold held another consultation today, August 26, with local chief executives, including mayors and barangay officials, at the Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BDPA) Conference Hall. (Bureau of Public Information)

Watch the livestream here.

BAC Panel Continues Consultations with Constituencies

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) continues to gather the concerns and suggestions from various sectors to further polish the proposed Bangsamoro Administrative Code, through a series of public consultations held last week.

Among the participants invited during its fifth round of consultation on Saturday, August 22, held at the BTA Executive Lounge in the city, were the education sector, women sector, youth, farmers and fisherfolks, labor groups, non-Moro indigenous peoples (IPs), Municipal Local Government Operations Officer (MLGOO) personnel, settler communities, and Bangsamoro representatives residing outside the BARMM. Read more. (Bureau of Public Information)

Watch the livestream here.

BAC Panel Holds Consultation with Subunits of BARMM ministries

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) continues to gather the concerns and suggestions from various sectors to further polish the proposed Bangsamoro Administrative Code, through a series of public consultations held last week.

Meanwhile, the panel also invited employees from the provincial and municipal offices of the BARMM ministries during its fourth round of consultations last Wednesday, August 19, at EM Manor Hotel in the city. Read more. (Bureau of Public Information)

Click here for the livestream: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

BARMM’s proposed administrative code demonstrates potential, experts say

COTABATO CITY — According to experts, the Bangsamoro Administrative Code shows potential as it clarified the relationship of different entities in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) following the parliamentary structure of government.

During a series of consultations conducted by a panel, constituted by the Bangsamoro Transition Authority’s Committee on Rules, selected law and governance experts were invited this Monday, August 17, to discuss their opinions and positions regarding the Cabinet Bill No. 60, filed in the plenary late July. Read more. (Bureau of Public Information)

Click here for the livestream of the public consultation with key experts.

Panel on BAC Holds 1st Consultation with Provincial LGUs

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) is documenting the insights of various Bangsamoro Government entities on the proposed Bangsamoro Administrative Code through a three-part series of public consultations. Bangsamoro Government’s Attorney General Atty. Sha Elija Dumama-Alba presented the highlights and provisions included in the Bangsamoro Administrative Code during the said consultation, including the structure of the offices, commissions, and ministries. The morning session focused on the BARMM Local Government Units (LGUs) while the afternoon session was held with BARMM cabinet members. Read more. (Bureau of Public Information)

Morning session: Part 1 and Part 2 Livestream

Afternoon session: Part 1 and Part 2 Livestream

BAC: Committee on Rules constituted Panel that conducts community consultations

COTABATO CITY — Committee on Rules constitutes Panel on the Bangsamoro Administrative Code, headed by Deputy Majority Floor Leader Atty. Raissa Jajurie. Said Panel will conduct public consultations with various sectors and constituencies and consolidated their recommendations for the final draft of the bill. (File photo)

BLGC, BCSC, and the BAC Referred to Committee on Rules

COTABATO CITY — The three (3) priority codes, the Local Government Code (Cabinet Bill No. 58), the Civil Service Code (Cabinet Bill No. 59), and the Administrative Code (Cabinet Bill No. 60) were referred to the Committee on Rules on its Second Reading.

Click here for the livestream of the plenary session. (BLGC at the 1:46:30 timestamp, BCSC at the 1:58:10 timestamp, and BAC at the 2:12:12 timestamp)

Chief Minister Ebrahim transmits 3 among 6 priority codes to BTA Parliament

Cotabato City – Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim transmitted on Wednesday, July 22, through the Office of the Secretary-General the Bangsamoro Administrative Code (Cabinet Bill No. 60), Bangsamoro Civil Service Code (Cabinet Bill No. 59) and the Bangsamoro Local Governance Code of 2020 (Cabinet Bill No. 58) to the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament. [Read full story.]

First Reading of the BLGC, the BCSC, and the BAC

COTABATO CITY — Three (3) priority codes of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) were introduced in plenary today and went through the first stage of legislation. The codes, which were authored by the Government of the Day, are the Local Government Code (Cabinet Bill No. 58), the Civil Service Code (Cabinet Bill No. 59), and the Administrative Code (Cabinet Bill No. 60). Read more. (Bureau of Public Information)

Click here for the livestream of the plenary session. Chief Minister’s discussion on the priority codes starts at the 1:08:50 timestamp.

Government of the Day Files 3 Priority Codes

COTABATO CITY — The Government of the Day (GOTD) files three priority codes in the Bangsamoro Transition Authority. The codes are the Local Government Code (Cabinet Bill No. 58), the Civil Service Code (Cabinet Bill No. 59), and the Administrative Code (Cabinet Bill No. 60). (Image from Bangsamoro Government FB Page)


BTA to file administrative code, other priority bills before September
COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) aims to file all the priority bills in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) before September 2020 including the region’s Administrative Code.
According to the parliament’s Majority Floor Leader Atty. Lanang Ali Jr. in an interview on Radyo Bangsamoro, on Saturday, BARMM’s Attorney General Sha Elijah Dumama-Alba presented the draft of the administrative code at the recently held cabinet meeting and they’ve already reached a consensus. Read more. (Bureau of Public Information)