BTA Parliament holds panel consultation for Bangsamoro Civil Service Code

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament concluded today, November 11, 2020 a three-day series of panel consultation on Cabinet Bill No. 59, otherwise known as the Bangsamoro Civil Service Code (BCSC) held at the BTA Extension Office, De Mazenod Avenue, this city.

Deputy Majority Floor Leader and Panel Chair Atty. Raissa Jajurie said the BCSC is one of the priority legislations that the Parliament is expected to enact within the transition period.

“The Bangsamoro Civil Service Code was filed on July 21 this year. The next day, we had our first hearing for the bill. On July 23, it was referred to the Committee on Rules after the sponsorship speech of the Majority Floor Leader,” Jajurie said.

Jajurie emphasized that the panel is tasked to gather comments, position papers and issues that will come from the resource persons. After gathering, they will present it to the Committee on Rules for deliberation.

The first day of consultation took place on Monday, November 09 via Zoom teleconference with invited experts, Dir. Dominador Gonzales and Atty. Mohammad Muktadir Estrella from the Civil Service Commission (CSC)- BARMM, Atty. Kruni Escudero from CSC Central Office; Department of Budget and Management (DBM) 12 Regional Director Akmad Usman, Undersecretary Herman Jumilla and John Aries Macaspac from DBM Central Office, and Atty. Nasiff Meditar of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Cotabato City Chapter.

On second day, November 10, the panel invited provincial governors, members of the leagues of mayors, vice-mayors, barangays, and councilors in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) as resource persons.

The consultation was presided over by panel member MP Omar Yasser Sema, who represented Panel Chair Jajurie. MP Aida Silongan and BARMM Attorney General Sha Elijah Alba, chair and vice-chair of the cabinet committee for the BCSC, were also present during the activity.

On the third and last day of the consultation, November 11, the panel invited Human Resource Management Officers (HRMOs) from the different ministries, offices and agencies in the BARMM via Zoom teleconference.

Jajurie is joined in the panel by MP Engr. Aida Silongan as vice-chair together with panel members, MP Atty. Laisa M. Alamia, MP Eddie M. Alih, MP Atty. Suharto M. Ambolodto, MP Engr. Baintan M. Ampatuan, MP Dr. Susana S. Anayatin, MP Ziaur-rahman A. Adiong, MP Atty. Anna Tarhata S. Basman, MP Musa K. Diamla, MP Atty. Maisara D. Latiph, MP Atty. Jose I. Lorena, MP Jamel D. Macaraya, MP Khadafeh F. Mangudadatu, MP Amilbahar S. Mawallil, MP Atty. Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr., MP Atty. Ubaida C. Pacasem, MP Diamila D. Ramos, MP Romeo C. Saliga, MP Atty. Omar Yasser C. Sema, MP Romeo K. Sema, MP Atty. Paisalin P. Tago, MP Adzfar H. Usman and MP Atty. Nabil A. Tan.

Accordingly, the code is a result of dialogues with experts, and consultations and public hearings with various stakeholders in the Bangsamoro region’s five provinces, including some areas in North Cotabato.

“The Bangsamoro Civil Service Code hopes to provide an effective instrument for good governance and responsive policies on human resource administration of the Bangsamoro Government while addressing the legitimate needs and peculiarities of our people,” Silongan said.

Meanwhile, the participants are required to submit their position papers on Friday, November 13, 2020. (GALao, Publication and Media Relations Division, BTA Parliament)

*Originally published by the BTA-Publication and Media Relations Division (

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