Salam Salma: Children’s Comic Book for Bangsamoro Day

COTABATO CITY – In partnership with the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) and the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM), the Office of MP Rasol Y. Mitmug, Jr. is proud to present its children’s comic book entitled, “Salam Salma: Ang Kwento ng Nakaraan at Hinaharap” in commemoration of the Jabidah Massacre (March 18) and March as Bangsamoro History Month. This is the seventh publication released by MP Mitmug.

Salam Salma focuses on Salma and her experiences of prejudice, ignorance, and fear. It is an introductory read on the concept of transitional justice and reconciliation. What is TJR? The United Nations defines transitional justice as ‘the full range of processes and mechanisms associated with a society’s attempt to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation’. Simply put, TJR is the process by which the systemic and/or widespread violations of human rights are addressed and corrected.

The comic book includes a simple game which readers can print out to fold and play with others. The team behind the comic book have also worked on a Teacher’s Guide to help educators process the lessons of Bangsamoro historical injustices for younger students.

MP Mitmug hopes this will be a valuable resource for students and teachers in understanding the Bangsamoro struggle for self-determination, and the importance of learning our history to combat historical revisionism.

While the digital copies are available for anyone to download, the Office of MP Mitmug hopes to distribute physical copies of Salam Salma Comic Book and the Salam Salma: Teacher’s Guide to select schools by Aprill/May.

Download link:

Salam Salma: Ang Kwento ng Nakaraan at Hinaharap | PDF

The Salam Salma: Teacher’s Guide is available upon request via e-mail.

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